Title 1 Services
What is Title 1?
The Forest Hills School District’s ESEA Title I program is a federally funded supplemental educational program that provides financial assistance to improve educational opportunities for students needing assistance in Reading. Title I programs are designed to help children meet the state content in performance standards in Reading, Language Arts, and Mathematics.
Currently, the Forest Hills School District’s Title I program offers Reading services to students in Grades K through 5. Three Title I Reading Teachers are funded through the Title I Program.
In conjunction with our Title I program, a newsletter is published to keep parents informed about the Title I program. Each issue will provide information on the latest from Washington and Harrisburg regarding Title I, and it also will provide usable, practical information to help you help your child become a better student.
If you have any questions, or wish additional information regarding our Title I Reading Program, please contact one of the Title I teachers, or call Mr. Lucas Jacobs at (814) 487-7613, Ext. 3249.
If you have any questions, or wish additional information regarding our Title I Reading Program, please contact one of the Title I teachers, or call Mr. Lucas Jacobs at (814) 487-7613, Ext. 3249.